This is the day that the Lord has made. We are going home tomorrow! Yea!!! The next 6 months will be a struggle. Terry has to take it easy. Even though his mind tells him he can do something, in reality he will not be able to do it. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO much prayer is needed for patience to allow his body all the time it needs to heal. We will be traveling to Tri-Cities twice a week for continuing therapies plus daily exercises both physical and cognitive. I can't begin to tell you how fast he is changing. You just have to hang on when God starts to move.
I will not be blogging tomorrow, but will try to keep you informed as much as I can.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
I want to write something to you my good friend Arta Jo Weaver wrote to me. It was such a blessing to read. "What a wondrous God we serve in whatever capacity we need at a given moment. And how difficult it is for we humans to remember that and rely on Him as our primary resource in all the little unimportant daily needs-thus preparing us to feel secure in bringing the biggest of our needs to Him when we are called on to fully TRUST." This is so important to remember that God wants to be our God everyday, in all the little joys, frustrations, and moments. When He is, it is a lot easier to turn everything over in our big worries or fears.
Today the Doc came in and Terry asked about going home. He said, "Well, probably this week" We are so excited, we have our big meeting tomorrow and we will find out more. They are looking into the best rehab places close to us (2 hours)that will be the most beneficial to continuing Terry's outpatient rehab. It needs to have people that deal with head traumas.
All through the sessions today, we just grinned at each other. They will send us home with lots to do plus the rehab. He will also need to rest well, twice a day. But going home just makes our hearts overflow.
We will know more in the next few days, but PRAISE GOD!!!!!!
Today the Doc came in and Terry asked about going home. He said, "Well, probably this week" We are so excited, we have our big meeting tomorrow and we will find out more. They are looking into the best rehab places close to us (2 hours)that will be the most beneficial to continuing Terry's outpatient rehab. It needs to have people that deal with head traumas.
All through the sessions today, we just grinned at each other. They will send us home with lots to do plus the rehab. He will also need to rest well, twice a day. But going home just makes our hearts overflow.
We will know more in the next few days, but PRAISE GOD!!!!!!
Sunday, June 27, 2010
I was reading to Terry from the Bible this afternoon. I asked him where he wanted me to read and he said he didn't care. The Bible opened to I Corinthians 1. I started reading the first 11 verses. I Cor. 1:3,4 "Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from GOD. Also verse 9B "But this happened that we might not rely on ourselves but on God, who raises the dead." Terry and I were just talking about what God has in mind for us after all this is over and then we read this. Was this by chance? I don't think so. God is so good.
Terry's sister came to town and it was so good visiting with her and watching Terry really relating and enjoying her. Is he still confused? Yes! Is he remembering more each day? Yes! We are looking forward to our meeting on Tuesday with all the specialists to see where they feel Terry is. For the first time they may discuss going home. Physically, he is doing real well, Cognitively, he has more to do. They have not mentioned going home at all, but we have hopes.
We covet your prayers for wisdom and patience. It has been a great week-end.
Terry's sister came to town and it was so good visiting with her and watching Terry really relating and enjoying her. Is he still confused? Yes! Is he remembering more each day? Yes! We are looking forward to our meeting on Tuesday with all the specialists to see where they feel Terry is. For the first time they may discuss going home. Physically, he is doing real well, Cognitively, he has more to do. They have not mentioned going home at all, but we have hopes.
We covet your prayers for wisdom and patience. It has been a great week-end.
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Today was a good day. Terry was alert. I introduced him to the people helping out at home through the church directory. He recognized the faces and we went over the names. It will take many times, but it's a start. At the end of the day, he sayed he had a good time visiting. It was a great birthday. I just wanted you to know how the Lord is blessing us. In fact, Terry said today he is humbled how the Lord is using us. What a blessing.
Friday, June 25, 2010
This the day that the Lord hath made. Enough said. I thank him for revelations today that help me come up with ideas to help Terry. He is struggling with his cognitive skills. His spelling is hard and still struggling to name the family including yours truely today. I promised we would go over one family a morning before he gets too tired. I bought a Scrabble card game today just for the cards. We will practice writing the names. Great News today! He had Group Gym. That is where the Drs. theorapists all watch him perform different tasks. He made it look easy. That's my guy.
All in all it was a good day. He has a lot of work in front of him, but we will count it all joy.
Looks like the house will close next week, I will come home overnight.
All in all it was a good day. He has a lot of work in front of him, but we will count it all joy.
Looks like the house will close next week, I will come home overnight.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Terry is more alert all the time. He is rememering what I tell him now, but does not remember people's names. He asked me if he forgot my name, so I said yes and he owes me big time for that slip of forgetfulness. He is having trouble with depth-perception. I do believe most of his trouble will be cognitive. It will come back we hope, but will take up to a year or more. It is amazing how quick the changes have been this past 4 days. God is so gracious.
Terry says that he feels blessed to be used by God. In Romans 8:28 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Wow, is that ever true. We have well over 100 people reading this blog. How humbling to feel the power of prayer at work and know that God is using this to reach lives for Him. I have been praying you don't miss your opportunity.
I need to tell you about an incredible family of God. Our small little church family (around 90) have been an example of a church living out God's word. In I John 3:18
"Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth."
This family has weeded, protected my garden from the deer, and put in our underground sprinklers and planted my flowers. They have truely lived as the scripture says and it is very humbling. We cannot begin to tell you how much this means to us. They have spent many hours, days, weekends helping us out. Whole families, from 4 years old to 85 years old. What a blessing to see God's word in action. I can't tell you how special these people are to us.
I pray you each find a church family and friends like this.
Terry says that he feels blessed to be used by God. In Romans 8:28 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose." Wow, is that ever true. We have well over 100 people reading this blog. How humbling to feel the power of prayer at work and know that God is using this to reach lives for Him. I have been praying you don't miss your opportunity.
I need to tell you about an incredible family of God. Our small little church family (around 90) have been an example of a church living out God's word. In I John 3:18
"Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth."
This family has weeded, protected my garden from the deer, and put in our underground sprinklers and planted my flowers. They have truely lived as the scripture says and it is very humbling. We cannot begin to tell you how much this means to us. They have spent many hours, days, weekends helping us out. Whole families, from 4 years old to 85 years old. What a blessing to see God's word in action. I can't tell you how special these people are to us.
I pray you each find a church family and friends like this.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
2 Thessalonians 3:3 But the Lord is faithfull, and He will strengthen and protect you from the evil one. This is such a good verse. God is truely protecting us from Satan and his desire to discourage us. Terry had his first day in rehab today. Everyone asked a lot of the same questions working on getting a baseline. Tomorrow will be a day to really work. He had trouble sleeping last night so was very tired. He also realized his need for therapy by all the questions and physical tests he did.
I wanted to give you a new address for Terry for those that are interested.
Terry Golter
Legacy RIO Rm 10
1015 N.W.22nd
Portland,OR 97210
I would covet your prayers for my children who Satan is trying to discourage. Some are dealing with difficult circumstances and wisdom and discernment would be appreciated. The power of prayer is an awesome thing. Thank you.
Mary Lynn
I wanted to give you a new address for Terry for those that are interested.
Terry Golter
Legacy RIO Rm 10
1015 N.W.22nd
Portland,OR 97210
I would covet your prayers for my children who Satan is trying to discourage. Some are dealing with difficult circumstances and wisdom and discernment would be appreciated. The power of prayer is an awesome thing. Thank you.
Mary Lynn
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
God can move mountains with a blink of an eye, or create the whole earth in six days, but on hospital time everyone is laid back. However, Terry moved to RIO today. He was very excited. He was dressed and waiting for the van. I followed along behind in the car. I was doing great until a semi got in front of me on the bridge. I couldn't see a thing. I was having wild imaginations of getting lost and never finding Terry again. So being resourceful, I zooted around, in and out just like I knew what I was doing. Mario Andreti would be proud. He got to go right up to the front entrance, but I had to pick one of three parking garages and hope it was close to where I needed to be. To put it a nutshell, I miscalculated. Anyway, I finally made it to his room. He was all relaxed and looking well. The Dr. came in and visited for awhile, also the physical therapist, phychologist, and occupational therapist. They did some testing and some he passed and some he didn't. He was excited about all the activity and saw that he needed what was going to happen starting tomorrow. He was so hungry today and kept asking for food. It was fun to see him eat. What a blessing it is to see changes in a positive way. He is still confused, and still can't follow all they ask him to do, but each day is better.
While walking today with a cane, he deliberatly tried to step on my toes with the cane. The old Terry is emerging more every day.
In my Bible on one footnote it says that true wisdom goes beyond amassing knowledge; it is applying knowledge in a life-changing way. Wisdom comes from allowig what God teaches to guide us. God is teaching us so much right now. What a joy.
While walking today with a cane, he deliberatly tried to step on my toes with the cane. The old Terry is emerging more every day.
In my Bible on one footnote it says that true wisdom goes beyond amassing knowledge; it is applying knowledge in a life-changing way. Wisdom comes from allowig what God teaches to guide us. God is teaching us so much right now. What a joy.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
I know I should have told you I was going to my beautiful granddaughter's wedding Saturday night,but I forgot. I did not mean to leave the computer in Portland. I left Terry a note he could see and it seemed to help. I was back in Portland by 10:30 Sunday morning. You know I want to tell you Terry really is a "Man of Strength". When I saw him this morning, he was doing so well. We talked and he understood most everything. I showed him pictures of the wedding and the house. He understood I think. You know God chooses special people to go through things to help our faith. Terry has been blessed to be one of those people. We don't always understand why, but we sure see God's blessing each and every day in all of your lives as we hear stories of how this is changing you.
I thank God for you daily for your prayers and all your help at the house. That has been overwhelming. Our church family and family family are the greatest. May God richly bless you all.
Mary Lynn
I thank God for you daily for your prayers and all your help at the house. That has been overwhelming. Our church family and family family are the greatest. May God richly bless you all.
Mary Lynn
Thursday, June 17, 2010
God is so good all the time. I am amazed at how He answers prayers when they are so insignificant to everyone but us. When I arrived at the hospital this morning, Terry was very restless. He wanted to go home and seemed so mixed up. Yesterday was such a good day and today seemed liked we were going backwards. I was discouraged and frustrated with the staff for small details. I prayed over Terry and expected results. God in His wisdom said, "OK little lady, how about your attitude?" It definatly neeeded improvement. I asked forgiveness for my attitude and prayed I would be honoring to God. This afternoon He blessed Terry with a clearer mind. His restlessness abated and he started reading an article in the Traditional Bowhunter magazine. He seemed to really enjoy it. I had taken him on a little spin around the hospital. He seemed to enjoy this. It was our second excursion of the day. He also walked around the entire TRACU floor. I finally talked to a Dr. today that answered some questions. That was encouraging. When I left tonight he was relaxed and seemed to understand what I was doing. He made a list today numbering it in sequencial order. Some people have trouble with reading, spelling and math with aphasia. I was pleased he was reading and spelling.
Terry said he prayed today. I am pleased about that. God is good all the time.
Terry said he prayed today. I am pleased about that. God is good all the time.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Keep looking up, that's where miracles come from. Amen! Terry was very alert today. He was awake most of the time. When he got tired, he told us he was and went to sleep. Paul was here and he visited with him. He still didn't say Paul's name, but he knew him. He asked about all the scars on his head today, so I told him. He said, "I was a mess." I said, "yes". I think he finally realized how serious it was for awhile. Now the trick is will he remember tomorrow? He wrote his name today and read my name. We were not sure he was going to be able to do that. What an encouragement. I told him about rehab, which he is going to on Tuesday. He said he wanted to go home instead. After we talked, he felt better about it. I am going home this weekend to get him some clothes and pictures to help him remember. I am also planning to go to my beautiful granddaughter's wedding. I told Terry and he seemed to understand. We will go over it again the next couple of days.
Thank you Ailsa for the delicious gum. Granma really liked it. I am so happy you have peas in your garden.
I am so grateful to the family of God who continually prays for us. Romans 12:5
"So in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others." You are giving so much of yourselves to us. I pray God richly blesses each and everyone of you.
Mary Lynn
Thank you Ailsa for the delicious gum. Granma really liked it. I am so happy you have peas in your garden.
I am so grateful to the family of God who continually prays for us. Romans 12:5
"So in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others." You are giving so much of yourselves to us. I pray God richly blesses each and everyone of you.
Mary Lynn
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
God is not limited. In Romans 8:28 it says, And we know that in ALL things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. Terry has been called. God brings circumstances to change our lives and bring Him glory. I pray we are continually glorifying God.
Terry was very tired today and slept away most of it. When he was awake, he was more coherent and spoke several sentences that pertained to the same subject. He still cannot say my name, but he tells me he loves me, so what's in a name.
They had a big confab meeting today with all the therapists and doctors. It was decided that Terry should go to Good Samaritan Hospital for rehab next week. This is a huge step. The lady from there said they do not usually have openings, but they have several now. Most people get put on a waiting list. My God takes care of all. They also have a house across the street called "Green Gables". It is a place for families to stay. It will only cost $10 to $15 a day. God is so good. It has been a great day.
Terry was very tired today and slept away most of it. When he was awake, he was more coherent and spoke several sentences that pertained to the same subject. He still cannot say my name, but he tells me he loves me, so what's in a name.
They had a big confab meeting today with all the therapists and doctors. It was decided that Terry should go to Good Samaritan Hospital for rehab next week. This is a huge step. The lady from there said they do not usually have openings, but they have several now. Most people get put on a waiting list. My God takes care of all. They also have a house across the street called "Green Gables". It is a place for families to stay. It will only cost $10 to $15 a day. God is so good. It has been a great day.
Monday, June 14, 2010
I thought tonight I would explain aphasia. This is a medical term that means"loss of language". Terry has difficulties in speaking, understanding what is said, or recognizing things like common objects. He also has difficulty expressing thoughts and feelings. We do not yet know about reading and writing. Aphasia is always the result of brain injury. Even with these difficulties the person's intelligence is the same as before. The inability to communicate is generally a symptom of aphasia-not a sign of mental imcompetence. He is the same person he was before the accident. People with aphasia are best aided in understanding when those around him speak in a natural tone of voice, speak slowly and use simple, short sentences. Aphasia generally becomes less severe over time. At this time we do not know how severe Terry's aphasia is. We can expect improvement over the next 6 months.
Terry walked to the bathroom today unaided, this was not planned, but he decided it was time so he did. That caused quite a stir. It's good to keep them guessing. What this did tell us is that he has good strength. Since he started out weak on the right side, this was a positive thing.
Guess that's all for today. God bless you all. I so appreciate hearing from you.
Terry's address:
Terry Golter
Legacy Emanuel Hosp
2801 N. Gantenbein Ave
Portland, OR 97227
Terry walked to the bathroom today unaided, this was not planned, but he decided it was time so he did. That caused quite a stir. It's good to keep them guessing. What this did tell us is that he has good strength. Since he started out weak on the right side, this was a positive thing.
Guess that's all for today. God bless you all. I so appreciate hearing from you.
Terry's address:
Terry Golter
Legacy Emanuel Hosp
2801 N. Gantenbein Ave
Portland, OR 97227
Sunday, June 13, 2010
It was a good day today as is every day the Lord makes. Terry realized today that he has been in the hospital 13 days. He was not amused by that. He wanted to know what was next and I told him lots of physical therapy. He seemed pleased to be going to do something. We went outside today again and this time he stayed awake. He really enjoyed it and got a kick out of watchig a robin. Mark, Miriah, Caleb and Owen came to the zoo today and they dropped by while we were outside. He smiled at the kids. He seemed more fluent. I came home and we are all watching "Bolt" and eating popcorn and apples. It is a good day.
Mary Lynn
Mary Lynn
Saturday, June 12, 2010
We had a very wise nurse in ICU named Kregg who said, we would move 3 steps forward and 2 steps back. He is so right. Yesterday afternoon was so busy for Terry. He wanted to go home and no amount of talking was convincing him otherwise. He wore himself out. This morning he had a CT Scan and praise God everything looked good. He is bleeding occasionally out of his right ear, so the specialist checked that. He has a torn eardrum. It should heal fine. They are using eardrops to prevent infection and will keep an eye on his ear. Sorry, that struck me funny. Terry enjoyed a ride in the garden outside his room today in his lounge chair. He went outside about 40 minutes, but was only awake 10 minutes. He smiled in the fresh air.
My sister Melody sent me a beautiful poem I would like to share. Thanks sis.
Sing glory hallelujah!
His love is marching on!
We see it in the sunrise.
We feel it in the dawn.
God's spirit warm and golden,
Like honey for the soul,
Flows out to feed His children,
To keep us strong and whole.
If ever you are weary,
Just turn and seek the Lord.
Release to Him your burdens
And find your strength restored.
Your courage will be bolstered,
Your fears shall melt away.
Sing glory hallelujah!
Praise God and seize the day!
Mary Lynn
My sister Melody sent me a beautiful poem I would like to share. Thanks sis.
Sing glory hallelujah!
His love is marching on!
We see it in the sunrise.
We feel it in the dawn.
God's spirit warm and golden,
Like honey for the soul,
Flows out to feed His children,
To keep us strong and whole.
If ever you are weary,
Just turn and seek the Lord.
Release to Him your burdens
And find your strength restored.
Your courage will be bolstered,
Your fears shall melt away.
Sing glory hallelujah!
Praise God and seize the day!
Mary Lynn
Friday, June 11, 2010
Wonder of wonders, we made it to TRACU. He was very attentive to what we said yesterday when he got to his new room. He was disgusted with himself for being there. Terry still wants to go home today or tomorrow. When I tell him no, he gives me the stink-eye. Today he said Andrea could take him home. He's working us all. He acted last night like he understood why he was in the hospital, today not so much. The good news is he got up and sat in a chair for about 40 minutes. He is eating solid food, roast beef sandwich and cookies. Terry seems frustrated today with the whole situation even though he does not know what the whole situation is. I praise the Lord for his improvement and disgust because it tells me he is getting better.
Your cards are such an encouragement. He gets more mail than the staff. They have been a blessing to me. Thank you. Terry will enjoy them all when he is ready to read.
I'm on the prowl for a hunting magazine tonight. Yes, I realize I am in Portland, but I hope Barnes and Noble will not let me down.
I forgot to tell you he has speech, occupational and physical therapy now. That will keep him busy.
Your cards are such an encouragement. He gets more mail than the staff. They have been a blessing to me. Thank you. Terry will enjoy them all when he is ready to read.
I'm on the prowl for a hunting magazine tonight. Yes, I realize I am in Portland, but I hope Barnes and Noble will not let me down.
I forgot to tell you he has speech, occupational and physical therapy now. That will keep him busy.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
God is so good all the time. He knows when we need some encouragement. Terry's feeding tube got a kink in it, so they pulled it and tested his swallowing. They needed to give him some more tylenol because his fever was coming up, he was swallowing well, they tried medicine in a fruit smoothie and were sucessful. He also ate some applesauce and said it was good. He still does not understand that he is in the hospital. He is in a fog. He is still not considered awake, but in a in and out state. You, wide awake are 15, he is fluctuating between 11 or 12. They are moving him to the TRACU center today. I know I said that before, but now it may be reality. They determined his high fever was from a lung and bladder infection. They have an antibotic specially for this infection.
Thank you Lord for giving us a "up" just when neeeded.
I'll check in later if he gets moved, sometimes it gets busy.
Mary Lynn
Thank you Lord for giving us a "up" just when neeeded.
I'll check in later if he gets moved, sometimes it gets busy.
Mary Lynn
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Terry did not make it to TRACU last night. He started running a fever and it climbed to 105 degrees. They felt it was better to stay in ICU for closer monitoring. His feveris down to 100 degrees now and he just opened his eyes and asked a few questions. He is still very confused and perfers to sleep. He still does not grasp what happened or where he is. He would like to go home. He smiled a couple of times. Little things in life are so important. A smile is a treasure from God.
Mary Lynn
Mary Lynn
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
The second time is a charm. I had this all typed out and lost it. Naomi and Paul gave me this little notebook to use. It has been a blessing. I am so fortunate in my children.
Today, Terry was running a fever and they were medicating that. He sat up on the edge of the bed with help. That really wore him out. They are moving him to TRAC-U this evening. The brain doc is pleased with everything, the trauma doc wants more alertness. Terry has always said that if he could have anything for his children it would be good friends like Doug W. and Jim K. They came today - making Terry smile. It was a first. God gives us friends like them to show us what kind of friend He wants to be to us. It is so good to know Jesus, our best friend is always there for us.
Thank you again for your prayers.
Mary Lynn
Today, Terry was running a fever and they were medicating that. He sat up on the edge of the bed with help. That really wore him out. They are moving him to TRAC-U this evening. The brain doc is pleased with everything, the trauma doc wants more alertness. Terry has always said that if he could have anything for his children it would be good friends like Doug W. and Jim K. They came today - making Terry smile. It was a first. God gives us friends like them to show us what kind of friend He wants to be to us. It is so good to know Jesus, our best friend is always there for us.
Thank you again for your prayers.
Mary Lynn
Today is the day the Lord has made. We have good and bad days. This is both. They are going to move Terry to the TRACU (trama acute care unit) sometime late today. They will be able to do more physical therapy with him. We are hoping this makes him a little more awake. If all goes well, he will be moved to a rehab center. The doctor indicated that this whole process will likely take over a year for Terry. Right now he gets real tired with just a little conversation and needs to rest. He still is very confused.
Mary Lynn
Isaiah 40:28-31
Mary Lynn
Isaiah 40:28-31
Monday, June 7, 2010
"The hands that fashioned the universe are strong enough to heal you and gentle enough to hold you."
This was on a card Terry and I received at the hospital this morning. Today those hands started the healing process with Terry. This afternoon he woke up a little more. He asked for his glasses and when Miriah went in and said "Hi Dad", he opened his eyes, looked at her and said "Hi Miriah." . Praise the Lord. He squeezed Mark's hand when asked to do so and opened his eyes a lot more when we talked to him. Is he awake? No, not completely. His blood pressure is high again, and they won't move him out of ICU until it is under control. He is hard to understand, but he is trying to communicate. I introduced Terry to the doctor and he closed his eyes and went to sleep. I guess he was not impressed with the man God used to save his life. He will be someday. God can use each of us in ways only He can imagine. Never fear when God uses you in a way you feel uncomfortable with because with God all is possible. Okay, so I feel preachy today but I am bubbling with happiness. I just want God to get the glory and credit for all. Your interceding prayers are so very important. God loves to hear His saints.
Mary Lynn
PS - Some of you are asking when do I update this blog. I will update each morning after I have spoken with the doctors (which can be anytime between 9-12) and after I go home each night (usually around 5ish. They give him medicine to help him sleep through the night and this puts him out so we leave so he can get his rest).
This was on a card Terry and I received at the hospital this morning. Today those hands started the healing process with Terry. This afternoon he woke up a little more. He asked for his glasses and when Miriah went in and said "Hi Dad", he opened his eyes, looked at her and said "Hi Miriah." . Praise the Lord. He squeezed Mark's hand when asked to do so and opened his eyes a lot more when we talked to him. Is he awake? No, not completely. His blood pressure is high again, and they won't move him out of ICU until it is under control. He is hard to understand, but he is trying to communicate. I introduced Terry to the doctor and he closed his eyes and went to sleep. I guess he was not impressed with the man God used to save his life. He will be someday. God can use each of us in ways only He can imagine. Never fear when God uses you in a way you feel uncomfortable with because with God all is possible. Okay, so I feel preachy today but I am bubbling with happiness. I just want God to get the glory and credit for all. Your interceding prayers are so very important. God loves to hear His saints.
Mary Lynn
PS - Some of you are asking when do I update this blog. I will update each morning after I have spoken with the doctors (which can be anytime between 9-12) and after I go home each night (usually around 5ish. They give him medicine to help him sleep through the night and this puts him out so we leave so he can get his rest).
Well, we have good news. Terry is much more responsive today. Still in a stage of coma, but improved enough to move to a floor that will start more physical therapy. When the PT was in today she irratated him enough he opened his eyes and responded to a FEW of her commands. He's level of awareness is like when you are in a light dream state. When you can hear things but they become part of your dream and you don't wake up. He is aware of his surroundings somewhat, but not awake enough to do anything about it. By moving to the next level, he will get more stimulus and hopefully wake up. His other vitals are still good. He continues to look handsome and he is receiving mail. We appreciate all the prayers and support, cards, and encouragement. God has been so good to us and has just the perfect plan for our lives. I am so grateful for His loving arms around us. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding. Amen to that.
Mary Lynn
Mary Lynn
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Mark says I need to tell you that Terry actually got to have food today. It was not steak, but something that Terry would have said he has stepped in at one time. Anyway it is nutrition. The Dr. says there is not a good reason that they have found for why he isn't awake, so please pray that he wakes up soon. I so appreciate your prayers, please continue. I have found much comfort in the following scriptures Psalm 9:9-10.
Mary Lynn
Mary Lynn
40 years ago today
40 years ago today I was a blushing bride marrying the most handsome man in the world. We were 22 years old and ready to conquer the world. A little older now, a whole lot wiser and more in love than ever. Happy Anniversay Honey!
Terry had a pretty good night last night and then this morning they tried to get the feeding tube exactly where they wanted it again. When they were done, they x-rayed him and it showed the tube was still not in the right place. The team decided to go ahead and try to feed him through the tube anyway since it is important that he start to get some food into him.
Bill, Mark and I met with one of Terry's doctors this morning, Dr. Chan, and he shared with us Terry's latest CAT scan. The scan shows that there are parts of his brain are still swollen but there are now air spots which means the brain has shrunk down to it's normal size in areas, which is a really good thing.
There is a scale that the doctors use called a Glascow Coma scale which measures levels of consciousness. You and I are at a 15 and Terry has now moved up to a 10 today. Yesterday he was at a 9 so this was some improvement also. We are still hoping for him to wake up today but we are happy with what we have seen so far also.
Thank you again for the continued prayers and comments!
Mary Lynn
Terry had a pretty good night last night and then this morning they tried to get the feeding tube exactly where they wanted it again. When they were done, they x-rayed him and it showed the tube was still not in the right place. The team decided to go ahead and try to feed him through the tube anyway since it is important that he start to get some food into him.
Bill, Mark and I met with one of Terry's doctors this morning, Dr. Chan, and he shared with us Terry's latest CAT scan. The scan shows that there are parts of his brain are still swollen but there are now air spots which means the brain has shrunk down to it's normal size in areas, which is a really good thing.
There is a scale that the doctors use called a Glascow Coma scale which measures levels of consciousness. You and I are at a 15 and Terry has now moved up to a 10 today. Yesterday he was at a 9 so this was some improvement also. We are still hoping for him to wake up today but we are happy with what we have seen so far also.
Thank you again for the continued prayers and comments!
Mary Lynn
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Where to begin...
Hello everyone! I am hoping this blog will help me to communicate with all of you and give you the most current and accurate information I have.
First of all, thank you so very much for all the support and prayers! They are helping me immensely and I appreciate each and every one one of them. They are helping me hold up and keep it together. I am not leaning on my own strength but relying on God's and it is good.
Where to begin... I guess I will just start with the facts and where we are at right now. On Tuesday, Terry and I were at our old house in Hermiston cleaning up a few things in order to sell it. Terry fell off the roof or the ladder, I was not by him so I am unsure of exactly what happened. When he fell he landed on our concrete driveway possibly hitting his truck first and then the concrete. The fall caused various injuries but the most concerning one is a sub dermal hematoma on his left front temporal lobe. We were flown to Legacy Manual in Portland and were in surgery within minutes of landing.
Terry is now recovering in ICU. He is semi-unconscious, however he is very determined - as a result the staff at the hospital have had to restrain his wrists as well as place a strap across his chest. They placed a feeding tube in him this afternoon, which allows them to place pain medication directly into his stomach. This is good because they should be able to turn off the last narcotic that he is on. The tube did not quite reach it's intended destination, so it cannot be used to feed him yet, but tomorrow they will try again to place it in the right place.
That is where we are at right now. The hospital staff has been wonderful and I am staying with family now that live only 15 minutes away from the hospital. Family and friends are taking care of things at home so I am being well taken care of. Please continue to pray!
Mary Lynn
Jeremiah 29:11
First of all, thank you so very much for all the support and prayers! They are helping me immensely and I appreciate each and every one one of them. They are helping me hold up and keep it together. I am not leaning on my own strength but relying on God's and it is good.
Where to begin... I guess I will just start with the facts and where we are at right now. On Tuesday, Terry and I were at our old house in Hermiston cleaning up a few things in order to sell it. Terry fell off the roof or the ladder, I was not by him so I am unsure of exactly what happened. When he fell he landed on our concrete driveway possibly hitting his truck first and then the concrete. The fall caused various injuries but the most concerning one is a sub dermal hematoma on his left front temporal lobe. We were flown to Legacy Manual in Portland and were in surgery within minutes of landing.
Terry is now recovering in ICU. He is semi-unconscious, however he is very determined - as a result the staff at the hospital have had to restrain his wrists as well as place a strap across his chest. They placed a feeding tube in him this afternoon, which allows them to place pain medication directly into his stomach. This is good because they should be able to turn off the last narcotic that he is on. The tube did not quite reach it's intended destination, so it cannot be used to feed him yet, but tomorrow they will try again to place it in the right place.
That is where we are at right now. The hospital staff has been wonderful and I am staying with family now that live only 15 minutes away from the hospital. Family and friends are taking care of things at home so I am being well taken care of. Please continue to pray!
Mary Lynn
Jeremiah 29:11
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